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Mentoring Program

"Young Queens in Action and Young Kings in Action" Mentoring Program

YQIA and YKIA is a mentoring and life skills program designed to build and empower youth to set attainable goals and increase self-esteem, self-awareness, and education. With a focus on the five-component curriculum, they will work through citizenship/family values, cultural awareness, economic development, education, and social/life skills to improve the quality of their life.


  • To provide educational, cultural, life skills, and goal orientation for lifelong learning to youth challenged with daily living needs.
  • To issue quality programs, seminars, and workshops through conflict resolution, life skills, and education that will allow them to reach their full potential.
  • To encourage youth to educate themselves both socially and academically.


  • Learning to Live A Lifestyle
  • Young Entrepreneurship
  • Ring The Alarm
  • Young Queen and King Challenge

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